The Band was invited by Chris Buck to perform a Concert at St Lawrence Church, Hungerford in April 2018 to help raise funds towards the Church Fabric Fund. The discovery of leaks attributed to rotten woodwork had resulted in the commencement of urgent repairs to the Church lead work. Fund raising efforts during 2017, including grants and the receipt of individual donations, has realised almost the full amount. However, the need to add a contingency of £19,500 to cover the replacement of the original lead and additional costs had increased the original figure to circa £32,000.
An audience of circa 70 people attended the Concert and complemented the band’s smart uniform, appearance and playing. They thoroughly enjoyed the mixed repertoire of music and the individual solos by Claire Knowles and Steve Rogers who performed a flugelhorn solo, “I Don’t Know How To Love Him” and a trombone solo “The Wind Beneath My Wings” respectively, which received rapturous applause.
As well as thanking David and the players, thanks must be extended to Chris Buck and her team who provided cream teas and a raffle.
Thank you to everyone who turned out on a rather cold afternoon to support the Band.